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Travel Toys - Tips & Tricks for travelling with children

Travel Toys - Tips & Tricks for travelling with children

"Are we there yet?"

Travelling with kids is so much FUN but also can be challenging!

So we thought we would share some of our tips, tricks and favourite children's travel items with you.

Our Earth Toys store is in Cairns, Far North Queensland.

Being an amazing tropical tourist destination, travel entertainment has always been a hot topic that's come up for visitors as well as for our local Cairns families going on trips.

Whether it be going on long plane flights or just a car drive. Travel can sometimes be a little difficult with children. Having Travel Toys that are practical, useful and compact are all handy things to have at your disposal.

It's all fun and games... Especially for the kids!

Here are some of our Tried and Tested favourites for Travel Toys -

Our Kids have always loved magnetic play books while on holiday.

Toys For Travel Magnetic Play Book

Such as the Tiger Tribe's Magnacarry packs and the Egmont Toys Magnetic House Pack.

These are great for tray tables in planes, cars or even cafes and restaurants.

Great for ages 3-9. Simple and perfect for travel!

Spooky boo card game djeco earth toys cairns

Card Games are quick and easy to play. They fit in the hand bag. Games bring families together for a laugh.

whether it be SNAP or Memory games with little kids, or something more involved like Loot, Spooky Boo, ABC Miam or any of the various wonderful card games aimed at 5,8 and 10 yr olds.

It is also a great idea to have a standard set of playing cards as there is endless amounts of traditional and classic activities that you can use them for.

One of our secret weapons for travel has been the Tiger Tribe Magic Painting World.

Magic Painting Travel Toys Earth Toys Cairns

Magic PAINTING sets are simple but so much FUN for children and secretly also mum and dad! 

You put water in the pen, making the felt tip damp, when the slightly wet pen runs over the 4 white images it makes the colour appear.

Tiger Tribe Magic Painting Aussie Animals Travel Toys

When it dries, it becomes white again so you can use them a million times, or until someone eats them. On the back of each card is a find 1,2,3,4 of each animal/object in the picture.

These have always been hugely successful instore and also for our kids!

Lyra Pencils Earth Toys Cairns

Craft is another activity that has worked well for us while traveling with the kids.

Colouring and drawing is creative and great for keeping the kids entertained. Good pencils make a big difference in that experience, we use Lyra pencils and love them, this plus some blank paper has endless possibilities.

The tiger tribe How to Draw packs and Colouring Packs are fantastic for on the go, nicely contained in a package with everything you need. These are good options for quiet time and promote mindfulness.

Usborne Activity Book Travel With Kids Earth Toys

Books are handy and easy to pack.

Whether it be stories to read, activity books, picture books or factual information ones. There will be a book to engage everyone.

Scrunch Bucket Beach Travel Toys Cairns

If you're are on Holiday in Cairns with kids in the tropic heat some time at the beach or the Cairns Lagoon is a great idea!

Scrunch buckets are a great option for beach play,

That pack down into your bag very easily. The silicone makes them so durable you can just fold it down into your bag.

As well as a Pocket Kite! or this amazing Turtle!

turtle kite far north qld holiday earth toys

Everyone needs to have some fun flying kites,

So while in Cairns you can grab one of these wonderful kites from our collection. Easy to fly and just pure flying bliss. When you're finished they just pack away in your bag again.

Crystal Cascades Cairns Waterfalls with Kids

Being in North Queensland there are lots of opportunities for camping, Exploring all the AMAZING WATERFALLS and adventure, that often means driving out of Cairns city.
Don't forget the classics like "i spy", 20 questions, singing songs together and other classic travel games.

Cairns Waterfalls Earth Toys Family Toy Store


- No 'product' can replace genuine family connection, but quality toys and games can very much add value, enhance an experience and give you some tricks for up your sleeve for family FUN! -


Baby toys earth toys

Let's not forget the little Bubba's who notoriously don't like being in cars or sitting still for too long!

One of my favourite travel toys for little bubbas is Pram Strings, i promote them heavily for car seats as they worked so well for all three of our babies!

The main thing to look for is one that strings across the childs lap and has a bell in the middle. Their startle reflex action cause their arms to lift, hitting the bell, causing distraction as the child becomes upset, not 5 seconds later when they have escalated. This makes them highly successful and preferable to toys that dangle. Also, Buggy Books and Board Books can be very Helpful.

Cairns traveling with children - earth toys family

Travelling with kids creates wonderful life long memories.
At Earth Toys our mission is to help you to make the most out of those experiences and help to make them as pleasant as possible.

Thanks for Reading and HAPPY TRAVELING.

Come in store and checkout our range of Travel Toys!

We're here to help and love having a chat -

Brad & Bree

Earth Toys Cairns QLD Toy Store