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Grimm's Wooden Rainbow Stacker

Grimm's Wooden Rainbow Stacker

The Wooden Rainbow Stacker from Grimm's Spiel und Holz Design is a truly beautiful toy. Simple yet Creative!

Handmade in Germany from sustainably forested woods, their toys are finished with water-based dyes. The Grimm's Stacking Rainbow comes in 3 sizes - Small, Medium and Large and is a traditional steiner toy

I just adore this Wooden Rainbow Stacker from Grimm's Spiel and Holz.  

Its one of our keep forever toys and I intend to own it for the rest of my days, simple, classic beautiful, open ended play!  



The stacking rainbow gets regular use in our house -

At the moment our Phoenix ( 18mths ) loves rolling balls and cars back and forth through the tunnel. He also loves to stack them up high and knock them down. Older children who visit get very creative with the wooden arches using them to create interesting patterns and shapes, using the colourful arches as doll houses, sorting them according to colour, stacking and just generally arranging the pieces. Because the wooden rainbow is so open ended I expect it to be used for years and years, particularly as my boys' construction play becomes more advanced.

 Educational benefits

  • Stacking toys help to develop fine motor skills
  • Stacking also helps stimulate reasoning skills (bigger arc stack on top of smaller arc), which are essential in problem solving activities.
  • This Toy fosters creative and open ended thinking
  • Spacial recognition 
  • Colour and shape recognition
  • Balance

Find this gorgeous wooden stacking rainbow in all 3 sizes here