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Eco-Friendly Toys

Eco-Friendly Toys

Earth Toys loves Eco-friendly Toys!

At Earth Toys we believe the toys and games we play with should nourish our life without costing the Earth, we stock a huge range of Eco Friendly Toys and games. We focus on Toys that are manufactured sustainably, with non toxic materials and made to be durable, in turn reducing the amount of landfill. We also stock a range of educational games and kits that encourage and foster a connection and understanding with nature and natural materials, we understand the importance for children to have this connection with nature and understanding of sustainable production methods as after all they are the next care-takers and decision makers of our land and materials.


Earth Toys stocks Eco Friendly toys made from sustainable SFC certified plantation timber

Although timber is a fantastic re-newable material it is not always harvested ethically or sustainably. Many wooden products are made with timber from old-growth forests and destroy many animals homes, cause forest degradation, loss of biodiversity and climate change, FSC stands for The Forest Stewardship Council, a global non-profit organisation that supports environmentally responsible
management of forests around the world. All our timber toys have the FSC tick of approval 


Earth Toys has a great range of Eco-friendly Bamboo Toys

Earth Toys carries a line of toys crafted from bamboo, which is light, flexible and strong. One of the fastest growing plants in the world, bamboo is an efficient, readily available material for making beautiful toys.  Bamboo does not require pesticides, herbicides or irrigation to grow, rather it typically thrives in its natural
environment. Bamboo is naturally antimicrobial and anti-fungal in its raw state. Bamboo is also among the most abundant plant resources on earth. Bamboo makes ecological sense. It is one of nature's most sustainable resources. Many of the bamboo forests around the world have been there for hundreds of years
without any need to replant them as they naturally constantly regenerate themselves with new shoots every year, even with regular harvesting of mature timber.


Earth Toys stocks toys with Re-cycled Packaging


At Earth Toys we LOVE products that come in recycled packaging! The packaging gives a strong and clear message being environmentally conscious is as important on the outside as it is on the inside. Most of our products are packaged in recycled cardboard boxes with no plastics, cellophane or twist-ties, and are 100%
recyclable. So, not only are they earth-friendly and ready for your recycling bin, they are really easy to openfor those little fingers just itching to get at the toys!!


Earth Toys stocks a range of Eco-friendly toys made from recycled materials


We carry a line of toys that are made from recycled materials, Books made from recycled cardboard and a great range of toys from the award winning brand 'Green Toys', they use recycled milk containers as the main ingredient in creating their toys. Yes, the exact plastic milk jugs that you and your family drink from every day. When you finish your milk and toss the container in the recycling bin, these milk
containers are collected at your curb by a local recycling company, who then sorts them from all the other types of plastic. Next, the milk containers are reprocessed into super clean fresh plastic. For you plastic geeks, the plastic material they use is called high-density polyethylene (or HDPE). This material is considered one of the safest, cleanest plastics around.  ' Reduce - Re-use and recycle! '


Earth Toys stocks a range of Eco-Friendly Organic Toys


Organic toys are made using fabrics which have not had pesticides or toxic substances used in their production. Non-organic cotton production is extremely harmful to the environment and damaging to fragile eco-systems and
wildlife.  You have increased peace of mind in terms of these organic toys' purity and ultimate suitability for your baby or child, particularly in cases where skin sensitivities or allergies are an issue. Earth Toys are proud to stock
a range of organic cotton and wool toys. The materials used to create these toys where grown and processed without use of nasty chemicals or heavy metals, perfect for a non toxic play time!
  • Free from PVC, BPA,
  • Free from Lead, mercury & arsenic
  • Made with eco-friendly production methods
  • Perfect for sensitive skin
  • Better for the enviroment

Earth Toys stocks Eco-friendly toys that are coloured with non toxic water based paints



Babies & Toddlers are very sensory based and are constantly exploring the world around them, often they seem especially interested in what the world around them tastes like. That’s why we only use water-based paints for our toys. Water-based paints naturally soak into the wood when applied, making it more durable than oil-based paints. Our paints are safe and non-toxic. 


Earth Toys stocks a range of Eco-friendly games to promote a understanding & connection with nature


Most children are unaware the effect our lifestyle has on our natural enviroment. It is our role as parents to teach our children what roles they can have in minimising the heavy impact we have on our natural surroundings. Earth Toys
stocks a great range of eco-friendly & educational board games and science kits to make learning fun, teach your children about nature, water cycles, solar energy, wind power, recycling and much more!