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Invitation to Play - Music and Dance

Invitation to Play - Music and Dance

As a work from home mum, i can spend a lot of time at home with young children. A whole day at home can be a long one with toddlers with nothing to do. I love to fill part of our day with some Music and Dance.

While the kids were napping i set up this afternoon's activity, This was our afternoon invitation to play. Simple, easy and full of laughter, using all that active energy that our toddlers are often needing to release.

Drums, rhythm sticks and our gorgeous play silks. I often set something like this up and without a doubt my 3 year olds takes the invitation and we have a grand time. We take turns in who plays the drums and clap sticks and who dances, dancing and twirling with the silks, so much laughter and stomping around our lounge room. The dance moves that come out are fantastic ;) one of our favourite things to do at home together. So much fun. So good for the soul. 

See our music Collection here for beautiful props for simple play